Oct 07, 2015 · If clearing your entire watch history doesn’t sound appealing, but there are videos you want to prune, then you can delete single videos from your watch history by clicking the small “X” in the upper-right corner of each video in your history. Removing individual videos is quick and permanent.

Mar 26, 2018 · Google will track your search and watch history on YouTube, and if you look at the company's policy this data is meant to be used to give you better recommendations and improve YouTube as a service. Get an iPhone SE with Mint Mobile service for $30/mo Nov 11, 2017 · Now tap Settings. Scroll down and tap Clear Search History. To confirm that you would like to remove your whole search history on your YouTube account, tap Clear History. Android Instructions: Dec 02, 2018 · This wikiHow teaches you how to delete YouTube Music history on PC or Mac. Your YouTube Music history is shared with your YouTube watch history. You can clear and pause your YouTube watch history in the YouTube Music Settings menu. YouTube is a fantastic resource for everything from learning to getting a few laughs. If you’ve used YouTube for any length of time you’ve likely amassed hundreds of videos in your watch history. Here’s how to remove them all. Log into YouTube if you aren’t already, then head to your Watch history page. The following steps will delete your viewing and search history on YouTube. If you have multiple YouTube accounts, you will have to complete these steps for each account. 1. Log in to your Google account. 2. Go to https://www.youtube.com 3. Click on your icon. 4. Click “Video Manager” 5. Click “History” 6. Click “Clear all viewing Nov 02, 2018 · Tap on – OK to delete history. Other useful post: Clear cache firefox. Delete youtube search history one by one. You can also delete youtube search history one by one from your YouTube app by tapping on the magnifying glass to display the search feature. You will see the dropdown list that contains the previous searches underneath the search

Oct 04, 2019 · The YouTube History Activity page will explain what your decision means. It will also list several examples of video history that will be automatically deleted. Tap on “Confirm” to save the automatic YouTube history setting. Automatically Delete History from My Google Activity. To delete your YouTube history automatically from your desktop

Jul 25, 2018 · How to Delete Your YouTube Watch History (and Search History) Remove Items From Your Watch History (and Search History). YouTube’s Android app has an Incognito Mode you can enable to Clear Your Entire Watch History (and Search History). Rather than deleting individual watched videos, you can just You can choose to delete your YouTube search and watch history automatically after a certain amount of time. On your computer, go to your Google Account. On the top left navigation panel, click Oct 04, 2019 · The YouTube History Activity page will explain what your decision means. It will also list several examples of video history that will be automatically deleted. Tap on “Confirm” to save the automatic YouTube history setting. Automatically Delete History from My Google Activity. To delete your YouTube history automatically from your desktop Apr 16, 2016 · This video shows you, How to delete your Youtube watch history (A Very Quick, Step By Step Tutorial) _____Donate Now_____

If you delete history from youtube it doesn't show that on YouTube app(handset) or on your YouTube account.But it will remains on the GOOGLE ACTIVITY,not only youtube

Nov 21, 2018 · YouTube Watch History. You can repeat the same steps discussed above for YouTube watch history. Using the options, you can pause and delete watch history. Mar 05, 2019 · How To Delete YouTube Search History 2020 - if you're looking to clear or delete your YouTube History, this video is for you. It shows you how you can delete ALL or just some of your YouTube Clearing your YouTube history will stop these recommendations from popping up on YouTube, and keep snoops from seeing it. It won’t however, delete your history from your Google account entirely Select Manage search history . You'll be redirected to a Google privacy page. On a web browser, this will open in a separate tab. On a mobile device, this will open in the YouTube app. This list Watch history isn't viewable when signed out. Learn more. Language: English Location: United States Restricted Mode: Off History Help Oct 02, 2019 · While you could previously delete your YouTube history manually, Google has recently made the process automatic so you no longer have to remind yourself to perform the task regularly.