DD-WRT — вільна альтернативна прошивка для бездротових маршрутизаторів і точок доступу, заснована на ядрі Linux.Призначена для заміни оригінальної прошивки на деяких комерційних маршрутизаторах.
About DD-WRT Wiki | Disclaimers | Powered by MediaWiki | Design by Paul Gu DD-WRT was created directly from Sveasoft's decision to start charging for their firmware, closing the door to open source. DD-WRT is available for free, although a different business model was draftedin the past by BrainSlayer to pay his salary, as this is his full-time job. Since version 2.4, DD-WRT deviates significantly from Alchemy. If you have a large network, for which DD-WRT is not a suitable core router, you will probably want to have wireless clients be a part of the larger network. In this case, clients would get DHCP configuration from some other DHCP server, and could be accessed by other clients on the network. Buffalo WZR-1750DHPD - 802.11ac (1300 + 450 Mbps), DD-WRT preinstalled, 512MB RAM and 128MB flash One can also search on Amazon for DD-WRT compatible routers, just ensure to check them against Supported Devices. There are routers with DD-WRT preinstalled, but they tend to be more expensive. [ edit] Where do I download firmware? Wake-On-LAN (WOL) provides the ability to wake a slept/suspended, hibernating, or shut down computer, but the support for this (especially the latter) is dependent upon the hardware and BIOS/UEFI settings. Most modern computers have the WOL feature - it might be listed under PME (Power Management Events). Reasons to use WOL with DD-WRT:
DD-WRT é um firmware baseado em Linux para roteadores sem fio e acess point. Originalmente concebido para o WRT54G , ele agora roda em uma grande variedade de modelos [1].DD-WRT são vários projetos de firmware de terceiros criados para substituir os originais de fábrica oferecendo recursos ou funcionalidades adicionais.
The Linksys WRT54G Wi-Fi series is a series of Wi-Fi–capable residential gateways marketed by Linksys, a subsidiary of Cisco from 2003 until acquired by Belkin in 2013. A residential gateway connects a local area network (such as a home network) to a wide area network (such as the Internet). DD-WRT was originally designed for the Linksys WRT54G series, but now runs on a variety of routers. DD-WRT là firmware dựa trên Linux dành cho các loại router không dây và access point. Ban đầu nó được thiết kế cho dòng Linksys WRT54G, và hiện nay đã được sử dụng trên nhiều model khác.
Public Sub-Net Over Dynamic WAN - TechInfoDepot
DD-WRT WiKi???? | MyOpenRouter DD-WRT WiKi???? 14 posts / 0 new . Log in or register to post comments . Last post. Tue, 01/19/2016 - 7:22pm #1. crunkjuice1. DD-WRT WiKi???? I would like to try this but curious as to why this isn't listed on the DD-WRT WiKi? Do we need a mini first and then use the download file from here? If so where is that? DD-WRT - 위키백과, 우리 모두의 백과사전