the help e.g. I look for is a way to "interrogate" the qnap by command line ( Qnap has option for that I believe) My programs are in VB6 so if i could e.g. using commandline in VB6 by shelling to that request, then the Qnap response redirect this output to a file, and read in VB the file and syncronyse the Time variable in VB for that machine

Jul 23, 2020 Accessing the NAS command-line-interface QNAP NAS use a well-known shell called BASH (Bourne Again SHell). SSH (Secure SHell) is a network service that is used to access a shell remotely. It's used to remote-access Unix, Linux and Mac computers (as well as Android, servers, routers, modems, etc). It's also how you'll access your NAS command QNAP designs and delivers high-quality network attached storage (NAS) and professional network video recorder (NVR) solutions to users from home, SOHO to small, medium businesses. Disclaimer: Win-Pro Consultancy is a reseller of QNAP Products. For Technical Support, please visit If you are interested in QNAP Products: Hotline : +65 6100 2100 (SALES) Phone Number : +65 6717 8729 Fax Number : +65 6717 5629. Address: 1003 Bukit Merah Central #05-17 Inno Centre Singapore 159836. or allow us to contact you!

Disclaimer: Win-Pro Consultancy is a reseller of QNAP Products. For Technical Support, please visit If you are interested in QNAP Products: Hotline : +65 6100 2100 (SALES) Phone Number : +65 6717 8729 Fax Number : +65 6717 5629. Address: 1003 Bukit Merah Central #05-17 Inno Centre Singapore 159836. or allow us to contact you!

Setting QNAP NAS to shutdown on UPS battery power Posted by Jarrod on January 28, 2015 Leave a comment (7) Go to comments Over the last week my area has received a lot of electrical storms, the most recent of which knocked out the power for a split second causing the UPS to fail over to battery power which saved me losing what I was working on.

You can Open / Close Qnap services from “Bounjour” under Network Services -> Network Sevices Discovery; UPnP Discovery Service When a UPnP device is added to the network, the UPnP discovery protocol allows the device to advertise its services to the control points on the network.

The command is: hal_app --se_sys_set_status_led enc_sys_id=root,status_led=XXX,enable=YYY . XXX = red or green YYY = 0 (turn off) or 1 (turn on) Example: if you want to turn off the red status led hal_app --se_sys_set_status_led enc_sys_id=root,status_led=red,enable=0 . If you want to turn on … Problem getting openHAB to run on QNAP NAS - Beginners